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Guideline for Authors

Title of the Paper (14pt, bold)

Name and Surname (12pt, bold)

Name of organization or institution (12 pt, normal)

Country (12 pt, normal)

e-mail address (12pt, italic)

Abstract: Length of abstract should be no more than 300 words (italic, 11pt).

Keywords: Maximum of 5 words (italic, 11pt)

JEL Classification[1]: Maximum of 3 JEL codes (Italic, 11pt).

All headings should be 12pt, bold

All subheadings should be 12pt, italic


Studies should be submitted in English as doc. file attachment. Each paper should be single-spaced (1.0) with margins type normal, A4 paper size, with pages in numbered sequence. The font used for the main body should be 12 pt Times New Roman and for the endnotes 10 pt Times New Roman. Endnotes should be numbered consecutively and placed at the end of the text. Please leave one line empty before and after every section. In introduction clearly explain the nature of the problem, previous work, purpose, and contribution of the paper.

Main Body of Paper

The main body of the paper should cover the following sections: Literature review, Methodology, Empirical Analysis, Results/Findings, Conclusion, and References.

Figures and Tables

Figures and Tables should be placed as close to their reference point in text as possible and they should be numbered consecutively as they appear in the text. All Figures and Tables must have titles and must be referenced from within the text. Table captions should always be positioned above the Tables, and Figure captions below the Figure.


References and Citations should follow the American Psychological Association (APA).



Important Dates

Abstract Submission Deadline:
April 01, 2019
April 15, 2019

Full Paper Submissions:
June 01, 2019

Author Notification:
April 08, 2019

Conference Fee Payment Deadline:
April 16, 2019

Conference Dates:
May 02-03, 2019

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